Category: Employee Relation

Why it can pay to toil on...

By Henry Budd When the alarm clock sounds on Monday morning, most workers will have the satisfaction of...

Home work

By Christina Larmer Want to work more efficiently with more freedom? Why not do it from home. This...

Crafted with art and sole

By Henry Budd Shoemaker Andrew McDonald puts heart and "sole" into his work. A single pair of his...

Tying up your workforce

By Amanda Horswill Cautious bosses are trying to shut the door on employees joining their competition. You have...

It's not me, it's you!

By Robert Godden Your relationship with a recruitment firm can be quite intimate. Your relationship with a recruitment...

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

By Robert Godden It’s easy to self-destruct right at the end of the job hunting process and to...

Kevin Rudd 'restores the safety net' in...

Working parents will have the right to request more flexibility from their bosses and a 38-hour week will...

New deal, new hope

Tania Bawden Despite record low membership, unions will always have a role in the workplace, Employee Ombudsman Stephen...

Hot-desking revival puts staff on hop

Henry Budd It is not just fashion trends from the early 1990s that are making a comeback. The...

Finding legal advice

There are a number of options available if you need professional legal advice. We will be adding to...