Employee Retention
Older workers no longer so loyal
Employement flexibility is on for young and old
Colin Brinsden
It’s not just Generation Y chucking job loyalty out the window – everybody is at it, a survey shows.
Employers can no longer depend on mature workers and those on higher incomes to remain loyal and maintain the backbone of the company, a poll by networking site Linkme.com.au has found.
It showed 82 per cent of workers in the 41-55 year age range and 80 per cent of those in the $80,000 to $99,000 salary range were seeking new jobs for personal reasons.
"This blows the perception wealthy and mature workers being loyal right out of the water," Linkme CEO Campbell Sallabank said.
"Job loyalty is out the window for Aussies of all ages as the Generation Y ethos of quick money, quick success and fast promotion spreads across the Aussie workplace."
Low unemployment rates, a general shortage of skilled workers and the mining boom continue to drive wages and job opportunity up, making it an employees’ market where perspective workers can afford to be selective and demanding.
"Gen Y has long been recognised for their job-hopping ways and little concern for employers interests as they ruthlessly climb to the top of the corporate ladder," Mr Sallabank said.
"Now more mature workers appear to be adopting the ‘me-too’ attitude as they join the bandwagon of career success instead of job loyalty."
The online survey of more than 1225 people shows the need for "a challenge" as the main reason for seeking a new job.
Career-progression desires, need for change, interest in exploring a different industry and increased incomes are also common explanations for wanting to move on.
"The holiday season is always a reflection time for people with regards to their career, but given the high percentage of older workers and those on high incomes who highlight their desire to find a new job, there is more than just New Year resolutions at play this time," Mr Sallabank said.
The Australian